Kori Coffee

Today I’m excited because I have a cool new way of drinking coffee to share with you guys: Kori Coffee.

Kori Coffee, also sometimes referred to as Kori Kohi, is a method of preparing coffee that originated in Japan (“Kori” translates to “ice” in Japanese). Strong brewed coffee or espresso is frozen into ice cubes and then served in a glass with milk poured over it. As the coffee cubes melt, the milk slowly becomes infused with the coffee flavor and makes for one awesome iced coffee.


I’ve seen a similar recipe floating around Pinterest but didn’t think much of it until I read more about it on the blog Honestly Yum. They explain the method a little more and use it to make an iced mocha, which also sounds delicious. I was excited when I found this method because I’ve been looking for new ways to enjoy iced coffee and this one pretty much knocked my socks off. (Except that it’s obviously too hot to even consider wearing socks in this heat.)

Traditionally Kori Coffee is also served with corn syrup or a simple syrup to sweeten. I chose to use sweetened coffee creamer in addition to my milk instead of syrup, but it’s up to you how sweet you want your coffee. You can choose to use just plain milk, or sweetened almond or coconut milk, or milk with sugar added to it – up to you! I used skim milk and So Delicious Coconut Milk Vanilla Creamer, which I highly recommend. It’s rich and creamy but fat free and is perfect in iced coffee.

Kori Coffee is a bit mellower than your typical iced coffee with a richer milk taste, but the coffee flavor intensifies as you sip. Definitely up there with some of my favorite coffees 🙂 This method of making coffee is also perfect for the summer, because as your coffee melts, you don’t need to worry about it getting watered down!

Kori Coffee (Japanese Iced Coffee / Milk with coffee ice cubes)
adapted from Iced Mocha with Coffee Ice Cubes on Honestly Yum and Pepper.ph

makes 1 iced coffee

  • 6 – 8 oz. strong brewed coffee, frozen into 1 oz. coffee ice cubes (a standard ice cube tray will do the trick)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 – 3 Tbsp sweetener of choice: your favorite coffee creamer, sugar, simple syrup, or a few tsp of stevia*

*If using sweetened milk, you can skip this ingredient.

Coffee ice cubes and milk (I added my sweetener directly to the milk)


Place your coffee ice cubes in a glass. Pour your milk and sweetener over the ice cubes and stir. If you wish for your coffee to start melting quickly, you can warm the milk slightly before adding it to the ice cubes. But if you live in an area with warm weather like I do, your coffee will start melting in no time 🙂

At first, your coffee will look like this. Then as the coffee cubes slowly melt…
…It will look more like this. Enjoy! 🙂

6 Comments Add yours

  1. bongcomb says:

    Vow!! Thanks for sharing this unique way of having cold coffee!!!

    1. 🙂 I thought it was too cool not to share!

  2. stephstephxo says:

    Looks beautiful. Especially with this warm weather we are having, very refreshing. I’ll give it a try.
    Steph 😃💋

    1. Yes, I found it was the perfect drink for a hot day. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Beth says:

    This sounds delicious – it sounds better than an iced coffee, which is one of my favorite treats!

    1. It’s very refreshing and tastes a bit like coffee ice cream! 🙂

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